Hello Cascade families! We’re looking forward to an exciting year of activities with our school. In order to budget for all our fun stuff, the PTSA needs to understand how much money will be coming in from our fundraising sources. Pledge is an important source of funds. Please help the PTSA by completing the pledge form. The form tells the PTSA how much you’d like to pledge and when you would like to donate. After receiving your form, the Pledge Coordinator will send you an invoice via email for the amount you specified at the time you specified. The invoice comes from Quickbooks and enables you to pay securely by ACH checking account withdrawal or by credit card (we are charged a fee). Alternately, you can pledge directly using this online pledge “item” in our store.
The suggested pledge donation is $600 per year per child. Any amount donated helps. You may choose to donate any amount at any time. You can change your pledge donation and timing at any time during the school year. Notify the Pledge Coordinator and they will update your form. If donating is not currently in your budget, please fill out the form with that information. All information helps the budget process.
Your pledges are tax deductible (we are not tax lawyers, please confirm your particular situation with a tax professional). Some companies offer matching funds for pledges; check with your work place and they might help! The PTSA is a 501c-3 non-profit, tax ID 91-1126090. All information provided about pledge is confidential and shared only with the Pledge Coordinator and Treasurers. If you want to be involved with budgets and planning, the Finance Committee is always welcoming new members. Contact the Finance Co-Chair at finance@cascadek8ptsa.org.
Questions? Ask at a Community Meeting or email the Pledge Coordinator at pledge@cascadek8ptsa.org.